Business & Tech
When you take the entrepreneurial plunge, it is mostly based on something you love. At the very least, it should be based on something that interests you, and you believe in. After all, being self-employed or owning a business calls for long hours and more than one sleepless night. If you don't believe in your idea, no one else will. Entrepreneurship is about passion, and Jack Skipp shares three reasons why you should follow your passion.
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Business & Tech
Creating Connections Through Craftsmanship: The Heart of Ernesto Buono's Business
Mass production often dominates luxury markets, but Ernesto Buono Fine Jewellery takes a more personal and distinctive path. Master jeweller Ernesto Buono leads the company, focusing on custom craftsmanship and personalised customer service. Ernesto has over 25 years of experience creating engagement rings, wedding bands and other fine Jewellery pieces. He builds lasting relationships with clients through artistry, sustainability, and careful attention to detail.